Cookies Policy

This cookie policy applies to the processing of personal data collected through this website, dedicated to the dissemination of the HiSea Project which aims to develop, test and demonstrate information services that provides high resolution data of water quality at sea. Therefore the safety and confidentiality of the personal data we process are a key concern for the member of the HiSea Consortium. This is why we wish to be very clear and transparent about what happens when we collect and use your personal data, in this case when we place cookies on your device and collect those cookies afterwards.

Cookies are small text files which are placed on your computer when you visit our website ( Cookies help us to do different things, such enabling certain features on our website or measure how visitors such as you use our website.

  1. What If This Cookie Policy Does Not Answer All of Your Questions?

The data protection laws require that we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data. Should you have further questions regarding the processing of your personal data, do not hesitate to contact us,

  1. Who Is “We”?

Whenever you see a reference to “we” in this cookie policy, it actually refers to Agora Partners:

Agora Partners
Malha Technology Park
Jerusalem, Israel, 91114
Tel: +972 2 6786120
Fax: +972 3 5212383

Agora is responsible for collecting and using your personal data as explained in this cookie policy. 

  1. Which Cookies Do We Use and Why?

When you use our website, we will place the following cookies:

Name cookie

How long a cookie will remain on your device (unless you delete it)



Session cookie

This cookie retains information pertaining to the session of the user.

_gat, _ga and _gid

2 year lifespan

These are Google Analytics cookies which allow us to measure and determine how you and other visitors use our website.

We are required to place the PHPSESSID cookies. You can not choose whether or not we use these cookies, since they are mandatory for the website to operate.

For the _gat, _ga and _gid cookies we require your prior consent. 

You can give your consent by clicking the appropriate button in the cookie banner. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the cookies stored in your browser. You can find more information on how to do this on the websites of the respective browser manufacturers:

  1. Internet Explorer: 
  2. Safari: https://support.applcom/en-gb/guide/safari/manage-cookies-and-website-data-sfri11471/mac
  3. Firefox:  
  4. Chrome: 
  5. Microsoft Edge:
  1. With Whom Do We Share Your Personal Data?

We will not share your personal data with anyone but the member of the HiSea Consortium, as well as our suppliers who help us process your personal data. Anyone who has access to your personal data will always be bound by strict legal or contractual obligations to keep your personal data safe and confidential. This means that only the following recipients will receive your personal data:

  1. You;
  2. HiSea consortium members;
  3. Google (you may find more information on Google’s processing activities here:
  1. How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Data?

Your personal data are only processed at the first moment of collection. Afterwards we immediately use the anonymization features of Google Analytics to ensure that any information collected via cookies is anonymized. Please note, however, that the _gat, _ga and _gid cookie remain on your device for the whole duration of the indicated lifespan (unless you delete them manually). Each time you visit our website, these cookies will be collected again.

  1. What Do We Do to Keep Your Personal Data Safe

As explained earlier, security and confidentiality of all data we process is very important to us. We have also technical, organizational and contractual measures to ensure that our infrastructure, systems, applications, premises and processes are and remain safe.

  1. Which Rights Do You Have with Regard To Your Personal Data?

When we collect and use your personal data, you enjoy a right of access, correction, erasure, data portability as well as restriction and opposition to processing your personal data. Note, however, that where it concerns personal data processed through cookies, we anonymize immediately. We are no longer processing any personal data, hence no rights can be granted. 

If you have any complaint regarding the processing of your personal data by Agora, you may always contact us via the e-mail address mentioned above. If you remain unsatisfied with our response, you may file a complaint with the competent data protection authority, the list of the European data protection authorities is available on the website of European Data Protection Board ( The competent authorities in Israel is the Privacy Protection Authority (