Improving Aquaculture Operations
and Cutting Costs

HiSea offers readily available, easily understandable, accurate and reliable high-resolution information to fit users’ operations and to plan and manage the aquaculture farms’ requirements seamlessly, reduce monitoring activities and increase financial efficiency of various marine activities. HiSea provides novel satellite-based downstream information services. The innovative platform incorporates and processes data obtained through the marine, land and climate service COPERNICUS (the EU Earth Observation and Monitoring service), local monitoring data and advanced modelling.

Our information services will allow:

Early warning service & real-time crisis management – identifying situations which carry potential risk for daily activities.
We then generate forecasts and determine appropriate responses, simulating alternative actions to mitigate adverse effects.

Key performance indicators – including fish growth rates, environmental conditions, or the level of vulnerability to storms and information for planning operations such as accurate and reliable meteorological, hydrodynamic and water quality forecasts.

Specifically, for the aquaculture industry, we integrate this information to supply the following services

Wave and Wind Forecast Alerts:

Provide accurate, real-time and forecasted weather and storm events, including currents, waves and wind (historical and real time) and five days of forecast data.

Jellyfish Invasion Forecast:

Early warning of jellyfish invasions. Through forecasting their probable timing, magnitude and location and the simulation of alternative actions, these services will mitigate adverse effects on operations and environmental impacts.

Support for Optimizing Fish Cage Settlement:

Based on advanced data analytics and performance indicators, this will allow farmers and fish cage providers to evaluate the optimal location and improve the process of anchoring cages and their movability. This consulting service integrates both chemical and physical water parameters of historical data and forecast models.

Water Quality Forecast and Personalized Alerts:

Accurate, real-time and forecasted water quality information, including, oxygen levels, turbidity, microbiology, sea and air temperatures to enable farmers to implement effective and efficient aquaculture management.

Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast:

Early warning and anticipation of harmful events such as algal blooms.


HiSea contributes to decision-making regarding future extensions of aquaculture farms or the establishment of new farms.

The HiSea platform was co-designed with end-users to respond to the real needs of the targeted aquaculture sector. The system is designed to display relevant information in the most convenient format for each user.

Personalized options include:

Ongoing display of necessary critical measures

In-depth detail of each relevant parameter

Maps, bar graphs, time series


SaaS-based mobile application

HiSea services can be embedded in aquaculture management systems and streamlined into existing workflows.

Deployment and customization: The platform can be operational within weeks at any aquaculture farm or on any other data-providing platform. The package includes training, a user-friendly and tailor-made personalized dashboard, a mobile application and customer service configured specifically to end-users’ needs.

The HiSea platform was developed by an EU-funded project to provide high resolution data for the use of the aquaculture sector and ports operations.

HiSea invites aquaculture stakeholders to participate in a live demonstration of its platform and services.

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