HiSea project featured in Valencia maritime surveillance conference
The EU-funded HiSea project was presented as an important maritime surveillance tool to participants at a recent conference on Marine Surveillance in the Western Mediterranean.
The EU-funded HiSea project was presented as an important maritime surveillance tool to participants at a recent conference on Marine Surveillance in the Western Mediterranean.
HiSea coordinator Dr. Ghada El Serafy of Deltares and Lőrinc Mészáros (Deltares) gave an in-depth presentation on the project, at Malta Winter School 2020 on Oceanography and the Blue Economy.
The EU-funded HiSea project has recently featured in two oceanographic publications.
At the HiSea General Assembly meeting, a central theme discussed among project partners was the importance of involving end-users, and increasing end-user involvement in the continued elaboration of HiSea services.