At the General Assembly meeting of the EU-funded HiSea project held in Nice on November 25-26, a central theme discussed among project partners was the importance of involving end-users, and increasing end-user involvement in the continued elaboration of HiSea services and products, with several relevant milestones lined up in the coming months.
“There is a pronounced need at this stage to accelerate and intensify meetings and feedback sessions with end-users as part of the iterative development process. To achieve relevance and added value to users, frequent iterations with them is an absolute requirement,” noted Antoine Mangin of HiSea partner Argans, who hosted the meeting in Nice.
Mangin noted the importance of deeper and renewed collaboration with aquaculture end-user partner Selonda, following their work together on a mini-website dedicated to Selonda.
Both aquaculture and port sector end-user partners will be the focus of a two-day workshop scheduled for late February or early March 2020.
Deltares speakers at the meeting noted that significant progress was already made on the elaboration of workshop user requirements based on aquaculture in-situ data provided by Selonda installations, to which Deltares applied high-resolution models.
Deltares now seeks to obtain additional in-situ data, primarily from the port sector, and to collect input from the platform development process, which will be used to organise the user workshop and fully integrate Deltares’ model for HiSea on the platform.